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It was only after an event in my own life, when I sought help for my own well-being, that I realised how much I had been suffering with emotional and mental health.  From one simple decision to reach out for something, I started to heal or change. Even though the event, which was the catalyst, occurred the way it did, it started me on a path. My journey was finding meditation classes locally to try and find some clarity.  I had always wanted to try meditation and knew that I would be better being led by a tutor.  What I wasn’t sure about was the fact that these classes were Buddhist led.  Now I had no real knowledge of Buddhism and had no intention of becoming involved. What I found however, was more clarity than I had ever thought possible. I started to think differently, which led to feeling differently, always small steps and slight changes.  It was the beginning of a new direction which proceeded a new course for me personally and professionally.  Within weeks colleagues would ask “what is wrong with you, no not wrong, but what has changed?” and go on to say, “even your face has changed”.  I think what they meant was that I had simply relaxed and started to see and feel more clearly.Now I still have no intention to give it all up and become a Buddhist monk or otherwise.   What I do know however, is that the philosophy and wisdom contained within it helped me focus on my own reality.  Once I did, I suddenly knew what I was meant to do, and here I am commencing with exactly that.My choice to become a counsellor was borne out of a state of mind which I never experienced before.  I was driven and attentive, passionate, and steadfast to achieve this goal, which formally I would have scoffed at.As a counsellor we attend our own counselling sessions, so I have sat in the ‘other’ chair too.  I know now how it feels to be held in that safe space and time.  It was only my time, and the therapist was devoted to me, and me only.  If you have never experienced what this is like, and how much it can help you to grow and develop, then I would implore you to try it.  What I am trying to convey is, change is possible, it is real, but only as real as you are open to that transformation from within. 

Counselling is something best approached with an open mind and a concentrated desire to want to improve your own journey.  

I have been privileged to work with such resilient, emotive clients,It is both inspiring and incredibly rewarding to be present when this happensAs therapy comes to an end it is time to remind them, that they made the changes themselves.A therapist offers the time, space and unconditional positive regard to help them find the better parts of themselves


Due to the nature of confidentiality with counselling we cannot attain direct reviews from clients, or certainly I could not ask for them.
However a testimonial is somewhat different. Where with consent from a client I can include a quote from them, anonymously where no identifiably information is displayed.

Client 1 "Thank you so much for everything, you have helped me in so many ways, I appreciate everything you have done for me. I couldn’t have done it without you :)"


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